
[ in-ter-ak-shuh n ]
/ ˌɪn tərˈæk ʃən /


reciprocal action, effect, or influence.
  1. the direct effect that one kind of particle has on another, in particular, in inducing the emission or absorption of one particle by another.
  2. the mathematical expression that specifies the nature and strength of this effect.

Origin of interaction

First recorded in 1825–35; inter- + action

OTHER WORDS FROM interaction

in·ter·ac·tion·al, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for interaction

British Dictionary definitions for interaction

/ (ˌɪntərˈækʃən) /


a mutual or reciprocal action or influence
physics the transfer of energy between elementary particles, between a particle and a field, or between fields See strong interaction, electromagnetic interaction, fundamental interaction, gravitational interaction, weak interaction, electroweak interaction

Derived forms of interaction

interactional, adjective