
[ in-sin-yoo-ey-shuh n ]
/ ɪnˌsɪn yuˈeɪ ʃən /


an indirect or covert suggestion or hint, especially of a derogatory nature: She made nasty insinuations about her rivals.
covert or artful suggestion or hinting, as of something implied: His methods of insinuation are most ingenious.
subtle or artful instillment into the mind.
the art or power of stealing into the affections and pleasing; ingratiation: He made his way by flattery and insinuation.
Archaic. a slow winding, worming, or stealing in.
Obsolete. an ingratiating act or speech.

Origin of insinuation

First recorded in 1520–30, insinuation is from the Latin word insinuātion- (stem of insinuātiō). See insinuate, -ion

OTHER WORDS FROM insinuation

pre·in·sin·u·a·tion, noun

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British Dictionary definitions for insinuation

/ (ɪnˌsɪnjʊˈeɪʃən) /


an indirect or devious hint or suggestion
the act or practice of insinuating