Idioms for inside

    inside of, Informal. within the space or period of: Our car broke down again inside of a mile.
    inside out,
    1. with the inner side reversed to face the outside.
    2. thoroughly; completely: She knew the work inside out.

Origin of inside

Middle English word dating back to 1350–1400; see origin at in, side1


7 Inside, interior both refer to the inner part or space within something. Inside is a common word, and is used with reference to things of any size, small or large: the inside of a pocket. Interior, somewhat more formal, denotes the inner part or the space or regions within; it usually suggests considerable size or extent, and sometimes a richness of decoration: the interior of a country, of the earth, of a cathedral.


British Dictionary definitions for inside of

undefined inside

See outside

Idioms and Phrases with inside of (1 of 2)

inside of

Within, in less than the whole of, referring especially to a period of time. For example, They promised to return it inside of a month. Although some authorities believe inside alone conveys the same meaning, the full term is widely used. [Early 1800s]

Idioms and Phrases with inside of (2 of 2)
