
[ in-sen-si-tiv ]
/ ɪnˈsɛn sɪ tɪv /


deficient in human sensibility, acuteness of feeling, or consideration; unfeeling; callous: an insensitive person.
not physically sensitive: insensitive skin.
not affected by physical or chemical agencies or influences: insensitive to light.
not readily responsive or aware: insensitive to the needs of the peasants.

Origin of insensitive

First recorded in 1600–10; in-3 + sensitive

OTHER WORDS FROM insensitive

in·sen·si·tive·ness, in·sen·si·tiv·i·ty, noun

Example sentences from the Web for insensitivity

British Dictionary definitions for insensitivity

/ (ɪnˈsɛnsɪtɪv) /


lacking sensitivity; unfeeling
lacking physical sensation
(postpositive foll by to) not sensitive (to) or affected (by) insensitive to radiation

Derived forms of insensitive

insensitively, adverb insensitiveness or insensitivity, noun