
[ im-uh-jiz-uh m ]
/ ˈɪm əˌdʒɪz əm /

noun Literature.

(often initial capital letter) a theory or practice of a group of poets in England and America between 1909 and 1917 who believed that poetry should employ the language of common speech, create new rhythms, have complete freedom in subject matter, and present a clear, concentrated, and precise image.
a style of poetry that employs free verse and the patterns and rhythms of common speech.

Origin of imagism

First recorded in 1910–15; image + -ism


im·ag·ist, noun, adjective im·ag·is·tic, adjective im·ag·is·ti·cal·ly, adverb

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British Dictionary definitions for imagist

/ (ˈɪmɪˌdʒɪzəm) /


a poetic movement in England and America between 1912 and 1917, initiated chiefly by Ezra Pound, advocating the use of ordinary speech and the precise presentation of images

Derived forms of imagism

imagist, noun, adjective imagistic, adjective imagistically, adverb