Which is exactly what Sam Prouty, an English instructor at the Hotchkiss School in Connecticut, decided to do starting in 2005.
In the invention of Time, Luce and his partner, Briton Hadden, are chalk and cheese when they meet at Hotchkiss and Yale.
Hotchkiss, the elite Connecticut boarding school, now has an on-site gap year coordinator.
Hotchkiss tied the beast and we left him there, head down against the driving rain, drooping and dejected.
Torpedo defense netting is fitted, and there are three masts with military tops carrying Hotchkiss revolver machine guns.
The Colonel paused, and Mr. Hotchkiss regarded him with increased impatience.
"I got a note from you this morning," said Hotchkiss, with badly concealed impatience.
The armament of the gunboat consisted of two three-inch marine guns, two 1.65 Hotchkiss revolving cannon and four Gatlings.