
[ hi-stawr-ee-og-ruh-fee, -stohr- ]
/ hɪˌstɔr iˈɒg rə fi, -ˌstoʊr- /

noun, plural his·to·ri·og·ra·phies.

the body of literature dealing with historical matters; histories collectively.
the body of techniques, theories, and principles of historical research and presentation; methods of historical scholarship.
the narrative presentation of history based on a critical examination, evaluation, and selection of material from primary and secondary sources and subject to scholarly criteria.
an official history: medieval historiographies.

Origin of historiography

1560–70; < Middle French historiographie < Greek historiographía. See history, -o-, -graphy

OTHER WORDS FROM historiography

his·to·ri·o·graph·ic [hi-stawr-ee-uh-graf-ik, -stohr-] /hɪˌstɔr i əˈgræf ɪk, -ˌstoʊr-/, his·to·ri·o·graph·i·cal, adjective his·to·ri·o·graph·i·cal·ly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for historiographic

/ (ˌhɪstɔːrɪˈɒɡrəfɪ) /


the writing of history
the study of the development of historical method, historical research, and writing
any body of historical literature

Derived forms of historiography

historiographic (hɪˌstɔːrɪəˈɡræfɪk) or historiographical, adjective