Moral equivalence and malaise, rather than red-hot ideology, motivates Haydon.
Oldman: They are sort of polar opposites, Haydon and Smiley.
In a later scene when Smiley interrogates Haydon, they never break through the barrier of politeness.
Haydon is doing much the same thing but in a more extrovert way.
Its lines correspond pretty well with the profile sketch by Haydon, while in character it assimilates more to Hiltons drawing.
I would not have told you now, but I wanted you to know I was interested in the answer you would give Haydon.
Haydon would help her, she knew, and she would go to him in the morning.
Miss Mitford says that Haydon, above all, sympathised with her love for a large canvas.
Very slowly and cautiously Mr. Haydon and then Jack wriggled along flat to the ground until the dangerous spot was cleared.