
or cha·lutz

[ khah-loots ]
/ xɑˈluts /

noun, plural ha·lutz·im [Sephardic Hebrew khah-loo-tseem; Ashkenazic Hebrew khah-loo-tsim] /Sephardic Hebrew ˌxɑ luˈtsim; Ashkenazic Hebrew xɑˈlu tsɪm/. Hebrew.

a person who immigrates to Israel to establish or join a settlement for accomplishing tasks, as clearing the land or planting trees, that are necessary to future development of the country.

Origin of halutz

Modern Hebrew ḥaluṣ. literally, pioneer

Example sentences from the Web for halutz

British Dictionary definitions for halutz

/ Hebrew (xɑˈlʊts, English hɑːˈlʊts) /


a variant spelling of chalutz