
[ gur-kuh, goo r- ]
/ ˈgɜr kə, ˈgʊər- /

noun, plural Gur·khas, (especially collectively) Gur·kha.

a member of a Rajput people, Hindu in religion, who achieved dominion over Nepal in the 18th century.
a Nepalese soldier in the British or Indian army.

Origin of Gurkha

First recorded in 1805–15

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British Dictionary definitions for gurkha

/ (ˈɡʊəkɑː, ˈɡɜːkə) /

noun plural -khas or -kha

a member of a Hindu people, descended from Brahmins and Rajputs, living chiefly in Nepal, where they achieved dominance after being driven from India by the Muslims
a member of this people serving as a soldier in the Indian or British army