How significant is the fact that Guillen is Venezuelan and not Cuban?
He [Guillen] insulted the people that he had to please the most.
On Tuesday, an emotional and contrite Guillen went before the cameras and apologized for more than an hour for his remarks.
Guillen was suspended for five games after being quoted in a Time magazine article saying “I love Fidel Castro.”
But when Guillen left her side she felt sad and unhappy, in her heart was a great void.
"Gonzalo, you are indeed welcome," said Guillen, in whose face pleasure and inquietude were depicted.
And Guillen related to his friends the carrying off of Beatrice, almost exactly as the reader already knows it.
These considerations sealed the lips of Guillen, in order that he might not reveal the intense love which burned in his heart.
However, they checked themselves when they noticed the angry gesture of Guillen when he saw the fresh symptoms of hilarity.