ferrous sulfate

noun Chemistry, Pharmacology.

a bluish-green, crystalline, saline-tasting, water-soluble heptahydrated solid, FeSO4⋅7H2O, used chiefly in the manufacture of other iron salts, in water purification, fertilizer, inks, pigments, tanning, photography, and in medicine in the treatment of anemia.
Also called copperas, green vitriol, iron vitriol, iron sulfate.

Origin of ferrous sulfate

First recorded in 1860–65

Definition for green vitriol (2 of 2)

green vitriol


British Dictionary definitions for green vitriol

green vitriol


another name for ferrous sulphate

Scientific definitions for green vitriol (1 of 2)

ferrous sulfate

A bluish-green crystalline compound that is used in sewage and water treatment, and as a pigment and fertilizer. It is also used in medicine to treat iron deficiency. Also called green vitriol. Chemical formula: FeSO4·7H2O.

Scientific definitions for green vitriol (2 of 2)

green vitriol

See ferrous sulfate.