The grandson of legendary fashion editor Diana Vreeland, Nicholas Vreeland was poised for a decadent life in high-society.
Well talking about big movies, you've been cast to play Apollo Creed's grandson in a new Rocky franchise installment.
Reynolds acknowledged that much of his appeal comes from being the grandson of R.J. Reynolds.
In May this year, the grandson of Kunihiro Kajiwara was stabbed in the leg.
Her grandson Kane is a freshman and is playing for both the JV and varsity squads.
Swift Elk, the grandson of a great chief, had earned his name.
The grandson of Old Lawless might turn out a rascal,—he would be no mean one, no coward.
But Sally and his grandson were far from being the only persons who furnished material for Franklin's letters to his wife.
She, however, presented Mary in the character of her grandson.
I am called where my son and my grandson have gone before me; my weary time in this world is over at last.