General Postal Union. See Universal Postal Union.

Definition for gpu (2 of 2)


or G.P.U.

[ gey-pey-oo, jee-pee-yoo ]
/ ˈgeɪˌpeɪˈu, ˈdʒiˌpiˈyu /

(in the Soviet Union) the secret-police organization (1922–23) functioning under the NKVD.
Compare Cheka, NKVD.

Origin of GPU

< Russian G(osudárstvennoe) p(olitícheskoe) u(pravlénie) state political directorate

British Dictionary definitions for gpu


abbreviation for

State Political Administration; the Soviet police and secret police from 1922 to 1923

Word Origin for GPU

from Russian Gosudarstvennoye politicheskoye upravlenie