Goodspeed was working with data from the 2006-7 American Community Survey, which became available in 2008.
Goodspeed did an excellent job with the data he had, and he was still too conservative in his estimate.
I sent in my order for the book, to Goodspeed's, and then forgot the incident.
Of the names of the three little ships which fell down the Thames, we can be quite sure of two, the Discovery and the Goodspeed.
He bade the wanderers farewell and goodspeed with much impressiveness and sent messages of good-will to their parents.
The speaker came to me, and then I saw that it was Lt. Goodspeed, who was acting as adjutant of the regiment.
Gosnold, guiding the Goodspeed, is now making his last voyage, for he is to die in Virginia within the year.