Richard Garey, 56, a soccer coach in Gonzales, Louisiana, knows how it feels.
Gonzales resists the temptation to tell only stories about flourishing survivors.
But here the critics drop their ideological mask as surely as the court dropped it in the Gonzales ruling.
The key decision court watchers point to is Gonzales v. Raich.
Gonzales thought they simply wanted to discuss her photography for their film.
Near midnight, on March the ninth, the weary fugitives arrived at Gonzales.
They had a full rest that night and the next day they rode slowly toward Gonzales.
Gonzales himself was relaxing in Sanders' business-room, with his belt off and his tunic open.
So again at night, Burl, his father, and Gonzales took counsel.
Gonzales returned to the library with a middle-aged maid in a simple uniform.