genetic marker


any distinct inheritable indicator of identity and ancestry.
a chromosomal landmark or allele that allows for the tracing of a specific region of DNA, as in the study of recombination.
Also called marker, marker gene.

Origin of genetic marker

First recorded in 1945–50

British Dictionary definitions for genetic marker

genetic marker


a gene with two or more alternative forms, producing readily identifiable variations in a particular character, used in studies of linkage, genetic mapping, and identification of the presence of other genes that are closely linked to, and therefore usually inherited with, it

Medical definitions for genetic marker

genetic marker


A gene phenotypically associated with a particular, easily identified trait and used to identify an individual or cell carrying that gene.

Scientific definitions for genetic marker

genetic marker

A gene or DNA sequence having a known location on a chromosome. Genetic markers associated with certain diseases can be used to determine whether an individual is at risk for developing an inherited disease.