My first “job,” was working for the Gannett Company as a delivery boy for the Lansing State Journal at the age of 11.
The same month, Gannett said it will sell the building that houses the Rochester, N.Y., Democrat & Chronicle.
“That was tough,” says Rob Mennie, a Gannett Co. television executive.
This assertion was the creation of reporters working for Gannett … It is not true.
The two men agree on one thing, that “USA Today has been kind of siloed at Gannett,” as Kramer puts it.
Mrs. Gannett nodded, "He's awfully jealous of me," she said with a slight simper.
He was dormitory leader, which meant that he represented Gannett Hall on the self-government committee of the school.
Neil Durant overtook him before he reached the campus and walked with him to Gannett Hall.
A big Marspeaker ran out from the gate, and the voice of Gannett came over it.
"It used to frighten me so with its stories that I hardly knew what to do with myself," continued Mrs. Gannett.