Men and women of good intent who simply seek “the truth” upon which to base their opinions find themselves awash in folderol.
In that case, maybe all the wiretapped chatter about how Zell "understands" the governor's desire is folderol.
Mingled with all the folderol, of course, there is stuff of nobler quality.
Folderol: Talk or conversation of any kind between a man and a woman that does not contain an invitation or a promise.
"But the spectres of rheumatism and sore-throat stand between me and all that folderol now," Mr. Yorke says, with a half-sigh.
Now, I say, what seems to you the handsomest gown in all this folderol, hey?
And now she was to exchange the good, old-fashioned way for what she termed 'folderol,' and for a time she did not like it.