Idioms for fill

    fill and stand on, Nautical. (of a sailing vessel) to proceed on a tack after being hove to or halted facing the wind; fill away.
    fill the bill. bill1(def 16).

Origin of fill

before 900; Middle English fillen, Old English fyllan; cognate with German füllen, Gothic fulljan to make full; see full1


fill·a·ble, adjective half-filled, adjective un·filled, adjective well-filled, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for filled

British Dictionary definitions for filled

/ (fɪl) /

verb (mainly tr often foll by up)


material such as gravel, stones, etc, used to bring an area of ground up to a required level
one's fill the quantity needed to satisfy one to eat your fill

Word Origin for fill

Old English fyllan; related to Old Frisian fella, Old Norse fylla, Gothic fulljan, Old High German fullen; see full 1, fulfil

Idioms and Phrases with filled
