
[ fig-yuh-rant, -rahnt; French fee-gy-rahn ]
/ ˌfɪg yəˈrænt, -ˈrɑnt; French fi güˈrɑ̃ /


a ballet dancer who does not perform solo.
a performer with no spoken lines.

Example sentences from the Web for figurant

  • The figurant, from this modest and accidental beginning of his career as an actor, speedily rose to be famous.

    A Book of the Play |Dutton Cook

British Dictionary definitions for figurant

/ (ˈfɪɡjʊrənt) /


a ballet dancer who does group work but no solo roles
theatre a minor character, esp one who does not speak

Derived forms of figurant

figurante (ˌfɪɡjʊˈrɒnt), fem n

Word Origin for figurant

C18: from French, from figurer to represent, appear, figure