
[ ek-struh-vur-zhuh n, -shuh n, ek-struh-vur-, -stroh- ]
/ ˌɛk strəˈvɜr ʒən, -ʃən, ˈɛk strəˌvɜr-, -stroʊ- /


Also extraversion. Psychology.
  1. the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self.
  2. the state of being concerned primarily with things outside the self, with the external environment rather than with one's own thoughts and feelings.Compare introversion(def 3).
Pathology. a turning inside out, as of the eyelids or of the bladder.

Origin of extroversion

1650–60; 1915–20 for def 1; extro- + Latin versiōn- (stem of versiō) a turning

OTHER WORDS FROM extroversion

ex·tro·ver·sive, ex·tro·ver·tive, adjective ex·tro·ver·sive·ly, ex·tro·ver·tive·ly, adverb

British Dictionary definitions for extroversive



/ (ˌɛkstrəˈvɜːʃən) /


psychol the directing of one's interest outwards, esp towards social contacts
pathol a turning inside out of an organ or part
Compare introversion

Derived forms of extroversion

extroversive or extraversive, adjective extroversively or extraversively, adverb

Word Origin for extroversion

C17: from extro- (variant of extra-, contrasting with intro-) + -version, from Latin vertere to turn

Medical definitions for extroversive



A turning inside out, as of an organ or part.
Interest in one's environment or in others as opposed to or to the exclusion of oneself.