
[ ig-zem-pluh-fahy ]
/ ɪgˈzɛm pləˌfaɪ /

verb (used with object), ex·em·pli·fied, ex·em·pli·fy·ing.

to show or illustrate by example.
to furnish or serve as an example of: The plays of Wilde exemplify the comedy of manners.
Law. to transcribe or copy; make an attested copy of (a document) under seal.

Origin of exemplify

1375–1425; late Middle English exemplifien < Middle French exemplifier < Medieval Latin exemplificāre to copy. See exemplum, -ify


ex·em·pli·fi·a·ble, adjective ex·em·pli·fi·er, noun well-ex·em·pli·fied, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for exemplify

/ (ɪɡˈzɛmplɪˌfaɪ) /

verb -fies, -fying or -fied (tr)

to show by example
to serve as an example of
  1. to make an official copy of (a document from public records) under seal
  2. to transcribe (a legal document)

Derived forms of exemplify

exemplifiable, adjective exemplification, noun exemplificative, adjective exemplifier, noun

Word Origin for exemplify

C15: via Old French from Medieval Latin exemplificāre, from Latin exemplum example + facere to make