Enniskillen was the scene of one of the worst atrocities of the Troubles when 11 people were killed on Remembrance Sunday in 1987.
The Queen today met relatives of the victims of an IRA bombing in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland.
He says the governor told him he had orders from England to confine me here at Enniskillen, and he meant to do it.
Two miles from Enniskillen in the lower lough is Devenish Island, with its celebrated monastic remains.
For one born in Enniskillen he had an even nature, but its evenness was more the result of mental control than temperament.
Colonel Hugh Sutherland was ordered to march against Enniskillen with a regiment of dragoons and two regiments of foot.
The colours borne by the two Enniskillen regiments at Waterloo are still preserved in the parish church.