He's also busy rejecting the professional advances of acne-faced young scientist Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce, somewhat disguised).
Aldrich Ames had been working for the CIA for 31 years when he and his wife were arrested on espionage charges in 1994.
Despite being invited to dinner by his friend Aldrich, Lillian refused to move into the dining room.
When Mr. Aldrich was asked about it, he first said it was not an official report from the German government.
At the outset in an address at Boston he lauded Aldrich as the greatest statesman of his time.
You and Aldrich have made one woman deeply and sincerely grateful—Mrs. Clemens.
At this point Mr. Aldrich, who had just come in, was asked to examine it and tell what it was.
I have in mind one by Aldrich in which the word 'nostrils' occurs in the very first verse, and one cannot do anything with it.