
[ ih-fruhn-tuh-ree ]
/ ɪˈfrʌn tə ri /

noun, plural ef·fron·ter·ies.

shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity: She had the effrontery to ask for two free samples.
an act or instance of this.

Origin of effrontery

1705–15; < French effronterie, equivalent to Old French esfront shameless ( es- ex-1 + front brow; see front) + -erie -ery

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British Dictionary definitions for effrontery

/ (ɪˈfrʌntərɪ) /

noun plural -ies

shameless or insolent boldness; impudent presumption; audacity; temerity

Word Origin for effrontery

C18: from French effronterie, from Old French esfront barefaced, shameless, from Late Latin effrons, literally: putting forth one's forehead; see front