The Robber Nerds, like the Robber Barons, have given tons of money to charity.
Robber Nerds exploit the poor working stiffs—but they do it in China and India where nobody gives a damn.
In an astoundingly brief time, the Party of Lincoln became the Party of Robber Barons.
Robber raids they called these wars which he waged for trumped-up pretexts.
Unless Red, the Robber, shows up again in a confidential mood, Alex. laughed.
You're going to guide us, Mr. dog-goned Robber, or get plugged as full of holes as a dog-goned sieve.
When he heard that Robber Mother had seen a garden more beautiful than his, a faint flush spread over his withered cheek.
Dave turned the craft towards Robber Island and made a long tack.