
[ dis-pyoo-tey-shuh n ]
/ ˌdɪs pyʊˈteɪ ʃən /


the act of disputing or debating; verbal controversy; discussion or debate.
an academic exercise consisting of the arguing of a thesis between its maintainer and its opponents.
Obsolete. conversation.

Origin of disputation

1350–1400; Middle English disputacioun < Latin disputātiōn- (stem of disputātiō), equivalent to disputāt(us) (past participle of disputāre; disput- (see dispute) + -ātus -ate1) + -iōn- -ion; replacing desputisoun < Old French

OTHER WORDS FROM disputation

pre·dis·pu·ta·tion, noun

Example sentences from the Web for disputation

British Dictionary definitions for disputation

/ (ˌdɪspjʊˈteɪʃən) /


the act or an instance of arguing
a formal academic debate on a thesis
an obsolete word for conversation