
[ verb dih-skahrd; noun dis-kahrd ]
/ verb dɪˈskɑrd; noun ˈdɪs kɑrd /

verb (used with object)

to cast aside or dispose of; get rid of: to discard an old hat.
  1. to throw out (a card or cards) from one's hand.
  2. to play (a card, not a trump, of a different suit from that of the card led).

verb (used without object)

Cards. to discard a card or cards.


the act of discarding.
a person or thing that is cast out or rejected.
Cards. a card or cards discarded.

Origin of discard

First recorded in 1580–90; dis-1 + card1


dis·card·a·ble, adjective dis·card·er, noun un·dis·card·a·ble, adjective un·dis·card·ed, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for discarded


verb (dɪsˈkɑːd)

(tr) to get rid of as useless or undesirable
cards to throw out (a card or cards) from one's hand
cards to play (a card not of the suit led nor a trump) when unable to follow suit

noun (ˈdɪskɑːd)

a person or thing that has been cast aside
cards a discarded card
the act of discarding

Derived forms of discard

discarder, noun