digital divide


the socioeconomic and other disparities between those people who have opportunities and skills enabling them to benefit from digital resources, especially the Internet, and those who do not have these opportunities or skills: programs that help to bridge the digital divide between rich and poor countries.

British Dictionary definitions for digital divide

digital divide


informal the gap between those people who have internet access and those who do not

Cultural definitions for digital divide

digital divide

A term that describes the division of the world into two camps, those who have access to the Internet and other advanced information technologies and those who don't. The term highlights the issue that those who do not have access to such technology are potentially destined to futures where they will be at an economic disadvantage.

notes for digital divide

In geopolitical terms, the divide is between the developed and the developing nations, or, roughly speaking, between the North and the South.

notes for digital divide

In domestic political terms in the United States, the divide is between educated, well-off members of society and those who are less well-off.