designer drug


a drug produced by a minor modification in the chemical structure of an existing drug, resulting in a new substance with similar pharmacologic effects, especially one created to achieve the same effect as a controlled or illegal drug.

Origin of designer drug

First recorded in 1980–85

British Dictionary definitions for designer drug

designer drug


any of various narcotic or hallucinogenic substances manufactured illegally from a range of chemicals
med a drug designed to act on a specific molecular target

Medical definitions for designer drug

designer drug
[ dĭ-zīnər ]


A drug with properties and effects similar to a known hallucinogen or narcotic but having a slightly altered chemical structure, especially such a drug created in order to evade restrictions against illegal substances.

Scientific definitions for designer drug

designer drug
[ dĭ-zīnər ]

Any of various drugs with properties and effects similar to a known hallucinogen or narcotic but having a slightly altered chemical structure, especially such a drug created in order to evade restrictions against illegal substances.

Cultural definitions for designer drug

designer drug

A drug that is manufactured to target a specific molecule in the body, for example, to treat a specific disease or condition.

notes for designer drug

Some believe that these drugs are the future of the pharmaceutical industry, in that a drug will be tailored to an individual's unique genome.