
[ deed ]
/ did /


something that is done, performed, or accomplished; an act: Do a good deed every day.
an exploit or achievement; feat: brave deeds.
Often deeds. an act or gesture, especially as illustrative of intentions, one's character, or the like: Her deeds speak for themselves.
Law. a writing or document executed under seal and delivered to effect a conveyance, especially of real estate.

verb (used with object)

to convey or transfer by deed.

Origin of deed

before 900; Middle English dede, Old English dēd, variant of dǣd; cognate with German Tat, Gothic gadēths; see do1

synonym study for deed

1. See action.


deed·less, adjective re·deed, verb (used with object) un·deed·ed, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for deed

British Dictionary definitions for deed

/ (diːd) /


something that is done or performed; act
a notable achievement; feat; exploit
action or performance, as opposed to words
law a formal legal document signed, witnessed, and delivered to effect a conveyance or transfer of property or to create a legal obligation or contract


(tr) US and Canadian to convey or transfer (property) by deed

Word Origin for deed

Old English dēd; related to Old High German tāt, Gothic gadeths; see do 1