
or cy·ber ter·ror·ism

[ sahy-ber-ter-uh-riz-uh m ]
/ ˌsaɪ bərˈtɛr əˌrɪz əm /

computer-based attacks aimed at disabling vital computer systems so as to intimidate, coerce, or harm a government or section of the population.

Origin of cyberterrorism

First recorded in 1990–95; cyber- + terrorism

OTHER WORDS FROM cyberterrorism

cy·ber·ter·ror·ist, noun

Words nearby cyberterrorism

British Dictionary definitions for cyberterrorism

/ (ˈsaɪbəˌtɛrərɪzəm) /


the illegal use of computers and the internet to achieve some goal

Derived forms of cyberterrorism

cyberterrorist, noun