The Venezuela of the late Hugo Chavez, now in turmoil, which sends in cut-rate oil, can't be permanently relied on.
Her real passion is for cocktails and designer clothes—she drops brand names like a cut-rate Bret Easton Ellis.
Cut-rate models can be had on Amazon for $100, but we think Danielle would want the pro.
Why did we buy into AIG and Citigroup when we could have actually bought Goldman whole-hog, for a cut-rate price?
But unable to afford the cost of 50 years of refrigeration, he opted for the cut-rate freezing of his head only.
I wouldn't go trotting back there on a cut-rate excursion, let alone making a pilgrimage to the sacred, I mean scared, spot.
The cut-rate boom is about to collapse, and there is trouble brewing in the labor organizations.
Purkes's cut-rate grocery store will sell you all you want for ten cents each.
For the Cut-rate had not cut his salary, which, sordidly speaking, ranked him star boarder at the Peek's.
Special bargains in linen crash and batiste are offered on the same day with a cut-rate edition of "Damaged Goods."