
[ kur-vuh-cher, -choo r ]
/ ˈkɜr və tʃər, -ˌtʃʊər /


the act of curving or the state of being curved.
a curved condition, often abnormal: curvature of the spine.
the degree of curving of a line or surface.
  1. (at a point on a curve) the derivative of the inclination of the tangent with respect to arc length.
  2. the absolute value of this derivative.
something curved.

Origin of curvature

1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin curvātūra, equivalent to curvāt(us) past participle of curvāre to bend, curve + -ūra -ure. See -ate1

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British Dictionary definitions for curvature

/ (ˈkɜːvətʃə) /


something curved or a curved part of a thing
any normal or abnormal curving of a bodily part curvature of the spine
geometry the change in inclination of a tangent to a curve over unit length of arc. For a circle or sphere it is the reciprocal of the radius See also radius of curvature, centre of curvature
the act of curving or the state or degree of being curved or bent

Medical definitions for curvature

[ kûrvə-chur′ ]


A curving or bending, especially an abnormal one.