
[ kraws-sek-shuh n, kros- ]
/ ˈkrɔsˈsɛk ʃən, ˈkrɒs- /


Also cross-sec·tion·al. of or relating to a cross section.

verb (used with object)

to make or divide into a cross section.

Origin of cross-section

First recorded in 1875–80

Definition for cross-section (2 of 2)

cross section


Origin of cross section

First recorded in 1825–35

Example sentences from the Web for cross-section

British Dictionary definitions for cross-section

cross section


maths a plane surface formed by cutting across a solid, esp perpendicular to its longest axis
a section cut off in this way
the act of cutting anything in this way
a random selection or sample, esp one regarded as representative a cross section of the public
surveying a vertical section of a line of ground at right angles to a survey line
physics a measure of the probability that a collision process will result in a particular reaction. It is expressed by the effective area that one participant presents as a target for the other

Derived forms of cross section

cross-sectional, adjective

Scientific definitions for cross-section

cross section

In particle physics, an expression of the probability of the occurrence of an event, typically the scattering of subatomic particles, over a given area.