[ koi-uh-til-oh; Spanish kaw-yaw-tee-yaw ]
/ ˌkɔɪ əˈtɪl oʊ; Spanish ˌkɔ yɔˈti yɔ /
noun, plural coy·o·til·los [koi-uh-til-ohz; Spanish kaw-yaw-tee-yaws] /ˌkɔɪ əˈtɪl oʊz; Spanish ˌkɔ yɔˈti yɔs/.
a poisonous shrub with black berries, Karwinskia humboldtiana, of the buckthorn family, found in Mexico and the southwestern U.S.
Words nearby coyotillo
British Dictionary definitions for coyotillo
/ (ˌkəʊjəʊˈtiːljəʊ) /
noun plural -los
a thorny poisonous rhamnaceous shrub, Karwinskia humboldtiana of Mexico and the southwestern US, the berries of which cause paralysis
Word Origin for coyotillo
Mexican Spanish, literally: a little