Corvallis, home to Oregon State University, boasts a small downtown to supplement the campus.
The seventh and eighth cities on the list, Corvallis, Ore., and Durham, N.C., are university towns as well.
My first meeting with the anarchist was set for 2:30 on a Tuesday at one of the grimier downtown coffeehouses in Corvallis, Ore.
Tillman has always been on my radar as a PAC-10 sports fan who grew up in Corvallis, Oregon.
Corvallis has been too fully described in these pages to need further reference here.
He was married about 1850 and for some years lived in Corvallis, Oregon.
Two of these were for box culverts for the Pacific Highway about five miles north of Corvallis.
During 1879, from May to December, there were at Corvallis thirty-five rainy days and five snowy.
Mr. Graham took up a homestead near Corvallis, not far from the mouth of the Deschutes river, where he developed a fruit farm.