Previously, as CEO of the music label Capitol Imagine Group, he went by the name Corbin Grimes.
By Corbin Hiar, from the Center for Public Integrity's iWatch News.
The actual relationship had begun in 1992, says Corbin, who runs a manufacturing business.
We finally went back to Corbin and ran into Mr. Parker who suggested we come to the estate.
The heroic resolution shown during the fight by the wife of one of the soldiers, a Mrs. Corbin, deserves to be recorded.
It seemed a possibility, as proposed in Mr. Corbin's scheme of harbours at Montauk Point.
One of the signals used by Corbin, captain of Yale, to indicate a certain play, was the removal of his cap.
Corbin, however, kept such good watch on his property that no one was able to purloin it.