adjective, cool·er, cool·est.
- great; fine; excellent: a real cool comic.
- characterized by great facility; highly skilled or clever: cool maneuvers on the parallel bars.
- socially adept: It's not cool to arrive at a party too early.
- acceptable; satisfactory; okay: If you want to stay late, that's cool.
- (used to express acceptance): Okay, cool! I'll be there at 10:00.
- (used to express approval, admiration, etc.): He got the job? Cool!
verb (used without object)
verb (used with object)
Verb Phrases
Idioms for cool
Origin of cool
Words nearby cool
Words related to coolly
Example sentences from the Web for coolly
One police officer was coolly dispatched as he lay wounded on the sidewalk.
Instead of playing for overtime, Brady coolly led the Pats down the field to the St. Louis 30.
Seahawks-Broncos and 7 Other Thrilling Super Bowl Matchups |Ben Jacobs |February 6, 2014 |DAILY BEASTIn the meantime, the police seem to have caught the arsonists and last week went by coolly enough.
Davies did indeed demonstrate remarkable presence of mind of her own in coolly pressing her fingers on the wound and calling 911.
Behind Obama’s Tribute to the Aurora Victims’ Courage, Goodness |Michael Daly |July 24, 2012 |DAILY BEAST
According to one media account, she arrived at work the next day, coolly asking whether much had happened.
"That was well done, captain," said Craven to Hughie, as he was coolly skating back to his position.
Glengarry Schooldays |Ralph ConnorWhile this was going on Lepoletais coolly explained to Don Sancho the probable results of the expedient he had employed.
The Buccaneer Chief |Gustave AimardKeep it, if Mrs. Bryan doesnt mind, as it doesnt belong to anyone, said Winona coolly.
Winona of the Camp Fire |Margaret WiddemerMike coolly braced himself for the shock, not yielding an inch nor turning his gaze from his foe.
The Launch Boys' Adventures in Northern Waters |Edward S. EllisShe had not learned then how coolly Felicity herself had selected that destiny and taken it in hand.
Winner Take All |Larry Evans
British Dictionary definitions for coolly
Derived forms of cool
Word Origin for cool
Idioms and Phrases with coolly
In addition to the idioms beginning with cool
- cool as a cucumber
- cool down
- cool it
- cool off
- cool one's heels
- cool out
also see:
- keep cool
- keep one's cool
- play it cool