
[ kuhn-vins ]
/ kənˈvɪns /

verb (used with object), con·vinced, con·vinc·ing.

to move by argument or evidence to belief, agreement, consent, or a course of action: to convince a jury of his guilt; A test drive will convince you that this car handles well.
to persuade; cajole: We finally convinced them to have dinner with us.
Obsolete. to prove or find guilty.
Obsolete. to overcome; vanquish.

Origin of convince

1520–30; < Latin convincere to prove (something) false or true, (somebody) right or wrong, equivalent to con- con- + vincere to overcome; see victor

usage note for convince

Convince, an often stated rule says, may be followed only by that or of, never by to: We convinced him that he should enter (not convinced him to enter ) the contest. He was convinced of the wisdom of entering. In examples to support the rule, convince is often contrasted with persuade, which may take to, of, or that followed by the appropriate construction: We persuaded him to seek counseling (or of his need for counseling or that he should seek counseling ). The history of usage does not support the rule. Convince (someone) to has been in use since the 16th century and, despite objections by some, occurs freely today in all varieties of speech and writing and is fully standard: Members of the cabinet are trying to convince the prime minister not to resign.


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British Dictionary definitions for convinced

/ (kənˈvɪns) /

verb (tr)

(may take a clause as object) to make (someone) agree, understand, or realize the truth or validity of something; persuade
mainly US to persuade (someone) to do something
  1. to overcome
  2. to prove guilty

Derived forms of convince

convincement, noun convincer, noun convincible, adjective

Word Origin for convince

C16: from Latin convincere to demonstrate incontrovertibly, from com- (intensive) + vincere to overcome, conquer

usage for convince

The use of convince to talk about persuading someone to do something is considered by many British speakers to be wrong or unacceptable