[ kuh n-vur-tuh-buh l ]
/ kənˈvɜr tə bəl /
capable of being converted.
having a folding top, as an automobile or pleasure boat.
exchangeable for something of equal value: debts payable only in convertible currencies.
an automobile or a boat with a folding top.
a sofa, couch, or chair whose seating section can be folded out into a bed.
a convertible bond or security.
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British Dictionary definitions for convertible
/ (kənˈvɜːtəbəl) /
capable of being converted
(of a car) having a folding or removable roof
- a bond or debenture that can be converted to ordinary or preference shares on a fixed date at a fixed price
- (of a paper currency) exchangeable on demand for precious metal to an equivalent value
- Canadian (of a mortgage) able to be converted into a longer term mortgage without financial penalty
a car with a folding or removable roof