
[ kon-tent ]
/ ˈkɒn tɛnt /


Origin of content

1375–1425; late Middle English (< Anglo-French) < Medieval Latin contentum, noun use of neuter of Latin contentus (past participle of continēre to contain), equivalent to con- con- + ten- hold + -tus past participle suffix

Definition for contents (2 of 2)

content 2
[ kuhn-tent ]
/ kənˈtɛnt /


satisfied with what one is or has; not wanting more or anything else.
British. agreeing; assenting.
Archaic. willing.

verb (used with object)

to make content: These things content me.


the state or feeling of being contented; satisfaction; contentment: His content was threatened.
(in the British House of Lords) an affirmative vote or voter.

Origin of content

1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin contentus satisfied, special use of past participle of continēre; see content1


con·tent·a·ble, adjective con·tent·ly, adverb con·tent·ness, noun

Example sentences from the Web for contents

British Dictionary definitions for contents (1 of 2)

content 1
/ (ˈkɒntɛnt) /


(often plural) everything that is inside a container the contents of a box
(usually plural)
  1. the chapters or divisions of a book
  2. a list, printed at the front of a book, of chapters or divisions together with the number of the first page of each
the meaning or significance of a poem, painting, or other work of art, as distinguished from its style or form
all that is contained or dealt with in a discussion, piece of writing, etc; substance
the capacity or size of a thing
the proportion of a substance contained in an alloy, mixture, etc the lead content of petrol

Word Origin for content

C15: from Latin contentus contained, from continēre to contain

British Dictionary definitions for contents (2 of 2)

Derived forms of content

contently, adverb contentment, noun

Word Origin for content

C14: from Old French, from Latin contentus contented, that is, having restrained desires, from continēre to restrain

Medical definitions for contents

[ kŏntĕnt′ ]


Something contained, as in a receptacle.
The proportion of a specified substance present in something else, as of protein in a food.
The subject matter or essential meaning of something, especially a dream.

Idioms and Phrases with contents


see to one's heart's content.