
[ kuh n-sawr-shee-uh m, -tee- ]
/ kənˈsɔr ʃi əm, -ti- /

noun, plural con·sor·ti·a [kuh n-sawr-shee-uh, -tee-uh] /kənˈsɔr ʃi ə, -ti ə/.

a combination of financial institutions, capitalists, etc., for carrying into effect some financial operation requiring large resources of capital.
any association, partnership, or union.
Law. the legal right of partners in a marriage to companionship and conjugal intercourse with each other: In a wrongful death action the surviving spouse commonly seeks damages for loss of consortium.

Origin of consortium

1820–30; < Latin: partnership, equivalent to consort- consort + -ium -ium


con·sor·ti·al, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for consortium

/ (kənˈsɔːtɪəm) /

noun plural -tia (-tɪə)

an association of financiers, companies, etc, esp one formed for a particular purpose
law the right of husband or wife to the company, assistance, and affection of the other

Derived forms of consortium

consortial, adjective

Word Origin for consortium

C19: from Latin: community of goods, partnership; see consort