
[ kuh n-sep-choo-uh-lahyz ]
/ kənˈsɛp tʃu əˌlaɪz /

verb (used with object), con·cep·tu·al·ized, con·cep·tu·al·iz·ing.

to form into a concept; make a concept of.

verb (used without object), con·cep·tu·al·ized, con·cep·tu·al·iz·ing.

to form a concept; think in concepts.
Also especially British, con·cep·tu·al·ise.

Origin of conceptualize

First recorded in 1875–80; conceptual + -ize

OTHER WORDS FROM conceptualize

con·cep·tu·al·i·za·tion, noun con·cep·tu·al·iz·er, noun re·con·cep·tu·al·i·za·tion, noun re·con·cep·tu·al·ize, verb (used with object), re·con·cep·tu·al·ized, re·con·cep·tu·al·iz·ing.

Example sentences from the Web for conceptualise

  • The IMF is too restricted in both its ability to operate and in its ability to conceptualise and to innovate.

    After the Rain |Sam Vaknin
  • The IMF is too restricted both in its ability to operate and in its ability to conceptualise and to innovate.

    After the Rain |Sam Vaknin

British Dictionary definitions for conceptualise



/ (kənˈsɛptjʊəˌlaɪz) /


to form (a concept or concepts) out of observations, experience, data, etc

Derived forms of conceptualize

conceptualization or conceptualisation, noun