
[ kuh n-sep-tuh-kuh l ]
/ kənˈsɛp tə kəl /

noun Biology.

an organ or cavity enclosing reproductive bodies.

Origin of conceptacle

1605–15; < Latin conceptāculum, equivalent to concept(us) conceived (see concept) + -āculum (see receptacle)

OTHER WORDS FROM conceptacle

con·cep·tac·u·lar [kon-sep-tak-yuh-ler] /ˌkɒn sɛpˈtæk yə lər/, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for conceptacle

/ (kənˈsɛptəkəl) /


a flask-shaped cavity containing the reproductive organs in some algae and fungi

Word Origin for conceptacle

C17: from Latin conceptāculum receptacle, from concipere to receive, conceive