
[ kuh-mish-uh-ner ]
/ kəˈmɪʃ ə nər /


a person commissioned to act officially; member of a commission.
a government official or representative in charge of a department or district: the police commissioner; the commissioner of a colony.
an official chosen by an athletic association to exercise broad administrative or judicial authority: the baseball commissioner.

Origin of commissioner

1400–50; late Middle English < Anglo-French. See commission, -er2

OTHER WORDS FROM commissioner

com·mis·sion·er·ship, noun sub·com·mis·sion·er, noun sub·com·mis·sion·er·ship, noun

Example sentences from the Web for commissioner

British Dictionary definitions for commissioner

/ (kəˈmɪʃənə) /


a person authorized to perform certain tasks or endowed with certain powers
  1. any of several types of civil servant
  2. an ombudsmanSee also Health Service Commissioner, Parliamentary Commissioner
a member of a commission

Derived forms of commissioner

commissionership, noun