cliff swallow


any of several North American birds of the genus Hirundo, especially H. pyrrhonota, that live colonially and build bottle-shaped mud nests on cliffs and walls.

Origin of cliff swallow

An Americanism dating back to 1815–25

Example sentences from the Web for cliff swallow

  • The cliff-swallow, strange emigrant, that eastward takes his way, has come and gone again in my time.

    My Garden Acquaintance |James Russell Lowell
  • Most of the monsoon broods of the Indian cliff-swallow emerge from the eggs in August.

  • The barn swallow is heard first, followed in a day or two by the squeaking of the cliff-swallow.

    Wake-Robin |John Burroughs

British Dictionary definitions for cliff swallow

cliff swallow


an American swallow, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, that has a square-tipped tail and builds nests of mud on cliffs, walls, etc