
[ klem-uh-tis, kli-mat-is ]
/ ˈklɛm ə tɪs, klɪˈmæt ɪs /


any of numerous plants or woody vines of the genus Clematis, including many species cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers.

Origin of clematis

1545–55; < Latin < Greek klēmatís name of several climbing plants

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British Dictionary definitions for clematis

/ (ˈklɛmətɪs, kləˈmeɪtɪs) /


any N temperate ranunculaceous climbing plant or erect shrub of the genus Clematis, having plumelike fruits. Many species are cultivated for their large colourful flowers See also traveller's joy

Word Origin for clematis

C16: from Latin, from Greek klēmatis climbing plant, brushwood, from klēma twig