chronic fatigue syndrome


a viral disease of the immune system, usually characterized by debilitating fatigue and flu-like symptoms.

Origin of chronic fatigue syndrome

First recorded in 1988

British Dictionary definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome


another name for myalgic encephalopathy Abbreviation: CFS

Medical definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome


A syndrome of unknown origin characterized by persistent or relapsing debilitating fatigue of definite onset that is not alleviated by sleep, combined with other symptoms such as headache, sore throat, impaired short-term memory or concentration, immunologic abnormalities, muscle and joint pain, and lengthy malaise following exertion.

Scientific definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome

A syndrome characterized by debilitating fatigue and a combination of flulike symptoms such as sore throat, swollen lymph glands, low-grade fever, headache, and muscle pain or weakness. The cause is unknown.

Cultural definitions for chronic fatigue syndrome

chronic fatigue syndrome

A condition characterized by fatigue over an extended period, sometimes accompanied by neurologic abnormalities. The cause of this syndrome is unknown.